How To Create And Add Contact Me About Me And Privacy Policy Pages On Your Blogger's Blog

Some 9 months ago, when I started my blogger's blog, putting contact me, about me and privacy policy on my blog seem like an herculean task. I thought only the professional bloggers and webmasters could do it, but now, it was one of the simplest thing I have done on my blog. It is as simple as eating pap with beans ball.
This article is not about how to generate contents although I will give you clue on how I generated my own contents, rather is about adding contents which you generate through any means as a static pages on your blogger's blog. After generating the contact us, about us and privacy policy contents, anyone that can say ABC or 123 can add it to their blogger's blog.

Importance of contact us, about us and privacy policy on your blog

Putting contact us, about us and privacy policy on a visible place on your blog is especially important if you are applying for Google Adsense and if you are selling products or providing service on your blog.
The contact us page is one of the most vital page to have on your blog or website because it allows your visitors, bloggers, customers and even advertisers to reach you. Through contact us page, visitors can tell you what they like and dislike about your site or about features they might want you to add. Customers can praise or complain about your product or service through the contact information you provided and this will help you to know your strength, weakness, opportunities and treat (SWOT).
knowing your strength will let you know which area of your services you need to concentrate on. You need to work or correct your weakness, suggestions from your customers and others can also expose you to opportunities that is still available for tapping. Your customers or visitors complaint is a treat to your business. For you to stay in the market and compete favorably with your rival you must work on your customers complain. All these can only be possible through your contact us/me page you provided on your blog or website.

About us page on the other hand makes your blog or website human. The about us page let the customers and visitors to really know who you are and the range of products or services you are offering. About us/me page makes your blog look reliable. It distinguishes you from your competitors.

The privacy policy contain the website or blog physical and moral autonomy. It discloses the ways your website or blog gathers, uses, discloses or manages yours and your customers and/or visitors data.

How I generated my contact me, about me and privacy policy contents

There are 2 type of contact us page. One is by providing, in form of text, just the basic information such as the name, physical address, email address and the telephone number among other important data you wish to list. The other one is to generate an HTML form for visitors to fill out the required field.

I choose the former as I just put my name, my email address, phone number and my Facebook fan page address on my contact me page.
If you prefer the latter you can visit Google docs to generate an HTML contact form.

On the about me page, I provided my name, my professional (offline & online) experience, the purpose of my blog and my vision and mission for the future.

Meanwhile, I generated my privacy policy from

Some websites and blogs put their contact us, about us and privacy policy at the bottom of their site, some at the top header and some at the right or left hand side of each web page.
The one I know is the one that will appear as a static page at the top header beside the home page.

How to do it!
1. Go to your blogger dashboard

2. Click on the pages tab

3. Click on the new page

4. You will see two options, a blank page and web address

5. Choose blank page

6. Name the page contact us or contact me depending on your preference

7. Copy and paste the contents you have generated for your contact us or me page

8. Press on saving arrangement at the top right corner

9. Congratulation! You have added contact us/me page to your blog

10. Repeat the same process for about us and privacy policy
Your new pages will appear as horizontal menu beside the home page

It is really imperative to have a contact us/me about us/me and privacy policy on a visible position on your blog as they give your site maturity and show that it is run by human. You should also know that your blog has about zero chance of getting approved for Google Adsense if you are not showing these pages on your blog or website.
